
Induction Lamp vs LED light

  1. Nikola Tesla invented induction lighting in 1891. It is a proven, refined lighting technology, established as highly energy efficient.  (Nikola Tesla also invented AC current).
    LED is still under much technical revision and unproven in high power lighting applications.
  2. Induction lighting is a cost effective solution as a new purchase or as a retrofit, with a 1 to 2 year ROI when considering energy and maintenance costs (without energy rebates or tax incentives).
    LED is energy efficient..... but with a 4 to 5 year ROI (currently costs nearly twice as much as Ind.).
  3. Induction Lighting is designed for area lighting and does not need to be specially designed for that purpose.
    LED is designed for directed/spot lighting. LED has to be "domed", needing many LEDs to create the effect of area lighting. This factor is expensive and more vulnerable to premature technical failures.
  4. Induction Lighting has a rated life of 80,000 - 100,000 hours.
    LED has a rated life of 30,000 – 50,000 hours.
  5. Induction is warranted for 5 years.
    LED has a shorter warranty of 1 to 3 years.
  6. Induction lighting can maintain output from – 50C to + 100C degrees.
    LED has a seriously reduced output (lumen depreciation) above 25C degrees. Most lights are that hot in an enclosed fixture with just spring/summer ambient temperature. (See the CREE article on temperature).
  7. An induction, 200 watt bulb is rated at 33,320 "visible" lumens.
    A LED, 200 watt bulb is rated at 17,520 "visible" lumens, a 15,800 Visible Lumens difference.

